Mastering Nominalization: The Key To Effective Writing

Nominalizing is a powerful writing technique that can elevate your prose and give it a more formal tone. It involves changing a word from one part of speech to another, typically from a verb to a noun. This subtle yet effective method has been used by writers for centuries to add depth and sophistication to their work. In this article, we will explore the concept of nominalizing and how it can be used effectively in your writing. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who enjoys writing, understanding and implementing nominalizing can take your writing to the next level. So lets dive in and discover the art of nominalizing in writing.

Nominalizing in Writing

Nominalization in writing refers to the process of turning a verb or adjective into a noun. This technique is commonly used in academic and technical writing to add formality and precision to a sentence. When used correctly, nominalization can make writing more concise and objective. However, when overused, it can lead to confusion and make sentences more difficult to read.

To understand nominalization better, lets look at an example:

Original sentence: The company has made a decision to restructure their departments.

Nominalized sentence: The decision was made by the company to restructure their departments.

In the original sentence, the subject is clearly stated as "the company" and the verb is "made". However, in the nominalized sentence, the subject is not clearly defined and the action is now turned into a noun. This adds a sense of formality and objectivity to the sentence.

Nominalization is commonly used in academic writing to demonstrate critical thinking and analysis. It allows writers to argue and discuss ideas without personal bias. In scientific writing, nominalization is often used to report research findings in a more neutral and precise manner.

Benefits of Nominalization in Writing

1. Conciseness

Nominalization allows writers to express complex ideas in a more concise manner. By turning verbs and adjectives into nouns, a sentence can be shortened and made more direct. This is especially useful in academic writing where word count is often limited.

For example, instead of saying "She quickly ran to the store", you can say "She made a quick trip to the store."

2. Objectivity

Nominalization also adds a sense of objectivity to writing. By turning actions into nouns, the focus is no longer on the person performing the action, but on the action itself. This can be useful in argumentative writing where emotions and personal bias should be avoided.

For instance, instead of saying "I believe that the government should implement stricter laws", you can say "There is a need for the implementation of stricter laws by the government."

3. Clarity

Nominalization can also make writing clearer and more organized. By turning verbs into nouns, the sentence structure becomes more straightforward and easier to follow. This is particularly helpful when discussing complex ideas or concepts.

For example, instead of saying "The team discovered that the new marketing strategy was effective", you can say "The discovery of the effectiveness of the new marketing strategy by the team."

4. Formality

Nominalization also adds a sense of formality to writing. In academic and technical writing, it is important to use a formal tone to convey authority and credibility. By using nominalization, writers can achieve this tone and make their writing more suitable for a professional audience.

For instance, instead of saying "The company needs to change its marketing strategy", you can say "The need for a change in the marketing strategy of the company."

How to Use Nominalization Effectively

While nominalization has its benefits, it is important to use it judiciously in writing. Overusing nominalization can lead to wordiness and make sentences difficult to understand. Here are some tips to help you use nominalization effectively:

1. Use it for emphasis

Nominalization is a useful tool when you want to emphasize a certain action or concept. By turning it into a noun, the readers attention is drawn to it and the importance of it is highlighted.

For example, instead of saying "The team discussed the problem", you can say "There was a thorough discussion on the problem by the team."

2. Use it to avoid repetition

Nominalization can also be used to avoid repeating the same words in a sentence. This can make writing more varied and interesting to read.

For instance, instead of saying "She was angry and she yelled", you can say "Her anger was expressed through her yelling."

3. Use it in formal writing

Nominalization is more commonly used in formal writing as it adds a sense of formality and objectivity. In creative writing or informal contexts, it is best to avoid nominalization as it can make the writing sound stiff and distant.

4. Be cautious of overuse

As mentioned earlier, overusing nominalization can lead to wordiness and make sentences more difficult to read. It is important to use nominalization sparingly and only when necessary.

Now that you have a better understanding of what nominalization is and how to use it effectively, lets take a look at some common mistakes to avoid.

Common Mistakes in Nominalization

1. Turning verbs into nouns without changing the sentence structure

One common mistake in nominalization is turning a verb into a noun without adjusting the sentence structure. This can lead to awkward and confusing sentences.

For example, instead of saying "The teams decision to launch the new product was delayed", you can say "The teams decision to delay the launch of the new product."

2. Using nominalization just for the sake of it

Nominalization should be used only when it adds clarity and conciseness to a sentence. Using it just for the sake of making the writing more formal can make it sound unnatural and forced.

3. Using multiple nominalizations in a single sentence

Using too many nominalizations in a single sentence can make it wordy and difficult to understand. It is best to break down complex sentences into smaller ones to avoid this mistake.


Nominalization is a useful technique in writing that allows for more concise and objective communication. By turning verbs and adjectives into nouns, it can make writing more formal and precise. However, it should be used sparingly and effectively to avoid wordiness and confusion. With these tips in mind, you can incorporate nominalization into your writing and take your communication to the next level.

If you want to learn more about effective writing techniques, check out our blog on how to run a CRM effectively. Its packed with helpful tips and strategies to improve your writing skills.

In conclusion, nominalizing is a powerful technique that can greatly improve the clarity and precision of writing. By converting verbs into nouns, writers are able to create concise and impactful sentences that effectively convey their message to readers. However, it is important to use this technique sparingly and appropriately, as an excessive use of nominalization can make writing seem abstract and difficult to comprehend. Therefore, it is crucial for writers to strike a balance between using nominalization to enhance their writing and avoiding overuse. As with any writing technique, practice and careful consideration of its effectiveness in a specific context is key. By mastering the art of nominalizing, writers can elevate their writing skills and effectively engage their audience.


  • olliefox

    Ollie Fox is an experienced blogger and educator. He has written for a variety of educational websites, and has also taught online courses on blogging and social media marketing. Ollie is passionate about helping others learn how to be successful online, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and insights with the readers of his blog.